M.A.G.I.C. Group
We are pleased to continue to offer our M.A.G.I.C. Group as part of our funded 3 Year old Kinder program and as an additional, opt in session for our four year old Djinith-djinith Group children.
During 2020, to cater for children of essential workers and to work alongside our remote learning program due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we trialled mixed age grouping to allow the small number of children attending the centre to benefit from a social connection and to be able to build a learning community during this time.
Our Reggio Emilia influence played part in this decision as well as our Educational Leader’s experience with this model, travelling and working within Reggio Emilia.
This provided time and space for children to work with one another and to work within the mixed age group framework for a period of time. We were able to witness first hand children working together collaboratively, with empathy and respect and sharing knowledge organically. As a result, it has become a permanent part of our timetable.